For control of annual and perennial broadleaf weeds including invasive and noxious weeds, certain annual grasses, and
certain woody plants and vines, on:
• rangeland, permanent grass pastures (including grasses grown for hay*), Conservation Reserve Program (CRP)
• non-crop areas for example, airports, barrow ditches, communication transmission lines, electric power and utility
rights-of-way, fencerows, gravel pits, industrial sites, military sites, mining and drilling areas, oil and gas pads, nonirrigation ditch banks, parking lots, petroleum tank farms, pipelines, roadsides, railroads, storage areas, dry storm water
retention areas, substations, unimproved rough turf grasses; and
• natural areas (open space) for example, campgrounds, parks, prairie management, trailheads and trails, recreation
areas, wildlife openings, and wildlife habitat and management areas including seasonally dry fl ood plains, deltas,
marshes, pairie potholes, or vernal pools;
• including grazed areas in and around these sites.