Product Catalog


When you choose Midwest Argi Beet Pulp Shreds you are buying an American Made product supplied by Farmers who grow sugarbeets throughout the Upper Midwest. Midwest Argi distributes Beet Pulp Shreds on behalf of over 4500 shareholders and growers who produce the sugarbeets from which our Beet Pulp Shreds are made. The same care is taken by our cooperative owners in producing the pure, natural white sugar goes into the production of the high quality feed found in every bag of Midwest Argi Beet Pulp Shreds. Thank you for choosing our product.


Please contact us for current pricing and availability.


Beef cattle minerals designed to correct mineral deficiencies of the available forage in a highly, palatable, weather-resistant, granular form. Wind and Rain® Storm® cattle minerals’ large particle size and special formulation keeps the mineral from absorbing water and blowing out of the feeder. The Storm® technology provides the ultimate in weather resistance to reduce waste and makes Wind and Rain® Storm® Formula more economical to feed than conventional loose minerals.


Please contact us for current pricing and availability.


These economical supplements are designed for growing and finishing cattle. SteakMaker supplements include many different feed formulations designed with flexibility to provide optimum nutrition that beef cattle need.


Please contact us for current pricing and availability.


Honor Show Chow Fitter’s Edge feed is a coarse-textured sweet feed. This is a complete, balanced diet formulated for optimum growth and development of show cattle. It can be followed by feeding Honor Show Chow Finishing Touch feed. Fitter’s Edge feed is supported by Purina's knowledge, experience, and research.
It’s never too early to start thinking Winner’s Circle. Get your best animals on Honor Show Chow Fitter’s Edge feed today so they can reach their full potential. 


Please contact us for current pricing and availability.


Honor Show Chow Grand 4-T-Fyer concentrate is a blended supplement that can be mixed with corn, oats, barley and beet pulp to provide a high-quality ration for show cattle. This flexible feed allows you to adjust the grain level to fit your goals and needs for breeding cattle, steers and feeder calves.


Please contact us for current pricing and availability.